When I think about Tuscany, I think about it as 'going home'. This feeling is a result of many things: the wonderful experience we had there five years ago with my brother Brian and our friend Line, and the utterly charming countryside undulating gently with vineyards, olive groves, and cypress hedges. But maybe, most importantly, it's because we returned home to visit our friend Annamarie Conti and her lovely family. We love the personal connections that we have in Tavernelle and enjoyed the time shared as we walked like all Italian families seem to do on a Sunday, ate an amazing Sunday lunch, visited a nearby monastery, and generally grabbed every moment to visit and connect.

As far as the eye can see in Tuscany, there is beauty and our family has been blessed to experience this beauty twice. I look forward to a return visit to this wonderful countryside but I also look forward to the day when we will host Annamarie and her family in Canada. (The invitation still stands, Annamarie!)

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