We had a wonderful time getting to know Granada. Granada will always be about colours and colourful people (I'm talking about you Gregg.) Nobody else in the world calls me by my first and middle name, and nobody keeps on repeating words like corkscrew endlessly so he won't forget things. Cruising through the islands near Granada and looking at the seemingly endless rows of beautiful pottery rounded out our memorable stay.
Our final stop in Central America was something a little bit different, a resort. We had to get used to relaxing and wandering up and down the miles and miles of beautiful beaches. I love looking for seashells and Gran Pacifica afforded me the richest opportunity of any place I've traveled to indulge myself. The hostel Mind The Gap just a few miles down the beach was a great place to hang out and feel young again. Sleeping in a tent in 30 degree plus heat was not that enticing so we happily would walk back to our much more comfortable Gran Pacifica house. And so our travels came to a quiet conclusion with one final gorgeous Pacific sunset.
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